my ex told me I was too thick, was he right Huge Asses

my ex explained to me I was much too thick, was he proper

Large Asses my ex instructed me I was way too thick, was he suitable dollybabies
Big asses are the best when they sit on your facial area

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. 007seanconnery

    Wrong ur hot

  2. PumperXXX

    No such thing as “too thick”!

  3. Ambitious-Court4112

    Your ex must be blind and a dummy for thinking that. You are perfect

  4. Mean_Finish2444

    Just right!

  5. Repulsive_Ask6787


  6. corncheeks

    I see perfection!

  7. Lovers1229

    Never too thick! So hot!

  8. Lady_Deadra

    No such thing as “too thick”

  9. Arky005

    Idk I have about three inches that might suggest otherwise 😎

  10. Kitchen-Fennel80

    He probably had other feelings he couldn’t articulate so he blamed your butt lol
    You’re gorgeous

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