Why does a duck have tail feathers? To cover its butt quack. 😅 Big Butts Porn

Why does a duck have tail feathers? To address its butt quack. 😅

Huge Asses Why does a duck have tail feathers? To go over its butt quack. 😅 MaintenanceEconomy81
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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. swolenmoo

    1/10 joke 10/10 ass 🤤

  2. Extreme_Employee_595

    I like that tattoo. I would think twice before I spank that ass 😂. But I’m down to take that risk 😏

  3. beafynutz

    Lmao…nice ass too

  4. chilliebilli

    I would not be mad about seeing more.

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