This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Maleficent_Chicken_8

    Both at the same time. Tyste test….

  2. ThisAccountLikesYou

    You of course. I’m loyal

  3. goodtogoyo

    First? Why not at the same time

  4. alesabine

    your A…… then ehr would be really pale babe

  5. Odd_Bodybuilder_7771

    Left to right

  6. Such-Suggestion9082

    Left 👅

  7. goodtogoyo

    I guess I’ll just have to flip a coin

  8. snookblood7569

    It don’t matter because I will take both before we are done

  9. Pittdane78

    Left side please

  10. RobT927

    Yours of course.

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