This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Foxhead87


  2. Justfun1209

    Shit that’s a hard choice can’t I just have both🤣

  3. soanyways71

    I like that fat ass on the right looks good for a nice pounding

  4. Alternative_Purple36


  5. Hour-Literature-1349

    Both are hot as fuck. Both absolutely stunning 😍

  6. Few_Industry_147


  7. The_WanderingCrow

    Both. I wouldn’t be able to pick between the two

  8. cookie_dent

    Perfect for daily breeding

  9. ValuableBad3829

    It’s close..I probably need to do a taste test.

  10. finklestink

    Is that u/zaraxyazmin?

    Edit: yeah, it is.

  11. JFranklin2

    On the right

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