This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Double_Strategy_3433

    Actually its a Trivector …..once I add in Eating!

  2. Consistent-Formal-99

    Spanking then stroking to make you cum 🥰

  3. Stroke_My_Ego

    Why not both

  4. Due_Mouse8135

    And eating

  5. shadowman50k

    Eating first, while fingering…
    Then spanking while drilling !
    Deal ? 😘

  6. Sweaty-Pick8147

    Spanking and your going to stroke me

  7. mujin2k

    I can think of a couple other options looking stunning

  8. bobbauer8

    Why not both?

  9. greattimesallthetime

    Spank with fat cock 😉

  10. rusty619


  11. Leftyperk

    Stroke while licking. Spank while fucking

  12. hulksmash28

    Both, and pay attention to what one makes your inner slut come out more

  13. GmbMr21st

    Definitely spanking

  14. SaintofSinners76


  15. plouffmudd

    Stroking, unless you’ve been bad? Have you been bad? If you say yes then a spanking it is

  16. VillageSpecialist171

    It’s up to you 😈

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