This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. memyself_and-I

    That they do

  2. Trick-Sheepherder990

    yowza!…they sure do!…but you had an amazing ass to begin with…:)

  3. jstforfun69

    Absolutely does

  4. cldsboy

    Your ass makes those leggings look amazing 😉

  5. Bigdickdaddy7844

    They damn sure do!!!!!!!


    🌹🥀 No need to be sorry about anything! These latex leggings do make your ass look AWE-INSPIRING! 💗😚💋 very HOT and looks like FUN!! 🌳🌇⛵️🎴💖💞🀄️🌺🐝

  7. NowUKnowUInTrouble

    You are very much so right 😍

  8. bgrisbetter

    Your amazing. I, uh, have a thing for those type of leggings.

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