This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. some_redditor_UwU

    Sit on my face 🤤 smother me with that big beautiful booty

  2. bourbon_rancher491

    No such thing

  3. contra-bass

    Opposite problem here, my ex said my 🍆 was too small 😅

  4. HawtAssMilf

    No he didn’t. Aren’t you girls tired of the nonsense childish titles? I mean, somebody gotta call it out 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. DeussWild

    So edible

  6. Key_Ad1023

    That’s ass is perfect and just ass I want on my women

  7. Frenchykinky

    Maybe his cock was too small 🤷‍♂️

  8. MDaddyMA

    It’s perfect 🥵 🤤

  9. Benggii

    He must have been gay

  10. Efficient_Fun2561

    Looks absolutely perfect to me!

  11. Ely227

    If anyone says an ass is too big, it really means their Dick is too small. I don’t make the rules, just call it like I see it

  12. themadtitan24

    Serious pussy meat 😍

  13. KarlTheHungArian

    Too big not to be worshipped.

  14. Gone_207

    Chinese and Spanish
    Wow best of both worlds and with a fat ass 😍😘

  15. Chernobyl_Imploderr_

    My type

  16. 10inSinBegin

    Then he’s too small to dig deep past that luscious ass!

  17. Forward-Tonight-3283

    Not big enuff for my big cock

  18. Randog71

    I see why he’s an ex 😃 He was wrong

  19. pornymcpornypants

    Omg this thread. People just need to chill the fuck out.

  20. waterbubalus

    chinese and spanish???? oh my

  21. escpatron

    Nice butt and great labia your ex hadn’t idea how to deal with a gorgeous girl like you

  22. Ken_love_life777

    Your ex was gay

  23. ThePrvrtOne

    There’s no such thing as “too big”

  24. Weeple12

    Nah it’s fucking perfect 😍nice size to grab and smack🤗!

  25. Pasta_Fajool

    Nope – its great!

  26. fangknight77

    Nope it’s perfect. Your ex is an idiot.

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