My Ex Said I Was Too Thick🥺 Huge Asses

My Ex Mentioned I Was Also Thick🥺

Huge Asses My Ex Mentioned I Was Far too Thick🥺 allofmytits2

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. drewski1180

    fuck your ex better yet fuck me to hrll with your ex. check it out i would worship your beautiful body everyday you gave me the oppertunity to. go to my profile with an opened mind of course and hopefully ill get a response from you u/drewski1180 and let me prove to you how fucking desirable you really are. your ex is a lame and probably a lousy fuck i on the other hand am no lame and well ifvi cant satisfy you then ill transition into a woman a never use my dick again.

  2. SouthernAd6596

    Your ex is an idiot lol

  3. ThatOnePerson49

    How can someone be too thick?

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