This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. GunslingerOutForHire

    Depends more on which comparative proportions you’re using. Because if you look at mass, you can do the math to get a good idea on the mass of the AT-AT. Then apply a similar mathematical schema and see which mass is larger. The AT-AT, is however, mostly hollow in the main fuselage, whereas your ass cheeks are likely not.

    If you’re not using mass, and are just comparing length or width, then your ass is smaller from chin guns to back bulkhead. It’s also taller from foot cuff to top plate.

  2. coolwooll

    Weird caption

  3. Massatak

    More fun for sure😈

  4. PlebbingM16

    Okay okay, it’s nice, but I wouldn’t go THAT far!

  5. wardca097

    I’ll lick both holes clean 😈

  6. omegameister86

    My cock is now bigger than a 4000 piece puzzle

  7. Nudetrader05

    I wish i could kiss on your ass and feet😩

  8. truekken

    and one of them would be fun to play with for hours…

  9. Pajaman23402

    Nice feet bitch !!!

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