This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. cali_714

    Fuckn no it ain’t, would luv 2 see bounce on my dick🤤🤤🤤

  2. Genkaiyokairu2

    Precisely the right amount for you.

  3. StormriderSBWC

    i think the only appropriate way to find out is for you to use my face like a bike seat, if i live, probably just the right amount of ass. if i die, too much ass but i died doin what i love

  4. prisoner_246O1

    No such thing

  5. AlSilva98

    Not at all

  6. Medium_Feedback_9524

    Wow now I know why I am bisexual 😍😍😍

  7. Deer340

    That is never too much

  8. Madison635

    Never enough ass beautiful 🌹

  9. ForwardCartoonist223


  10. Solirys

    “So much ass” does not exist and never existed. Never !

  11. Watch4spas

    No. Such. Thing.

  12. KidCoheed

    Literally impossible to have TOO Much ass mami

  13. JazzlikeCatch7721

    Nahh,dat thing perfect👌🏿💪🏿

  14. Ender4323

    No ☺️

  15. Jusdtip2


  16. Micajah74

    Perfect 🥰

  17. QuirkyPNewton

    This the perfect amount

  18. Internal_Heat_8477

    Just right. 😍

  19. zell7

    u/official_katt_keys is a 9.5 inch 🍆 too big??

  20. Scientist-Large

    Not enough ass. Sit on my face

  21. Dear_Flatworm_8178

    Just enuf

  22. SnooDingos2223

    Sit it on my face and I’ll find out.


    It’s a perfect meat to be smashed

  24. joshuaapt

    never too much

  25. Cumboochah


  26. Premiumxyz


  27. Bofadeez1192

    Only if you dont let me eat it and then hit it from back there

  28. Significant_Ball_448

    No, it’s perfect, sit on my face and let me eat it out

  29. Fit-War-7763


  30. dominicanrhino

    Absolutely NOT!

  31. Couto906

    Beautyfull ass

  32. Outrageous-Lie-4999


  33. Responsible_Beat_421


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