This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. haytmonger

    I see nothing wrong in this. Great skirt on a perfect ass. 🍑😍

  2. batmansoldier

    Neither both are perfect

  3. Flowrellik

    That booty is too divine for reddit! Wish I could bury my face in it ❤️‍🔥

  4. unguiltybystander

    Nothing wrong here, just a honest opinion 🍑🙌💯

  5. Duanek4

    Your ass is perfect. Wanna join a couple with a bi woman

  6. EnergyJolly307

    It’s perfect

  7. Ornery_Tiger_7198

    everything is perfect

  8. Cabin_Stabin

    Both can be true!

  9. sir_panda_93

    I think the skirt needs to be shorter 😊

  10. DEehDPOOL

    Neither. They’re perfect 😍

  11. Icy-Emu-4823

    Maybe a combination but not complaining

  12. Throwawayjjj03

    It’s the best of both worlds 😍

  13. pielcanela-9480

    your ass is so perfect!

  14. Gerud0_V0e

    The skirts too big just take it all off baby

  15. Loud-Examination2385

    What skirt…lol 😝

  16. Responsible-Law-1406

    Pull the skirt down

  17. Bunddha

    There’s no such thing as an ass too big. Nor a skirt too small.

  18. truedragon1984

    Absolutely perfect 🤤😋

  19. Bigtiggar1

    Shirt is too small

  20. obsedianfury

    Ass is perfectly sized 😋

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