This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Jaminspree

    I’ve never heard of such a thing as too much cake

  2. YC152

    I see why they say “You can have cake and eat it too”


    Can I be your chair?

  4. imjustheresometimes

    When it’s a cake as sweet as urs there’s nvr enough

  5. IsseiThePervert123

    This is still hot how do you do it🤤🤤🤤

  6. JazzlikeCatch7721

    Ive never heard of it.

  7. mista707

    Hell nah theres always room for your cake 😍😍🤤

  8. IsseiThePervert123

    I still don’t get how are you this hot🤤🍑🍑😅

  9. HankNoFilter

    Not at all 😘

  10. Bjfan69

    Not of that amazing flavour

  11. KujoQuan

    Never such a thing. I want to be your personal chair, whether it’s my face or my lap. I want you to sit on me. You are too perfect and I fall hopelessly in love whenever I see you… 🥺

  12. Sirius1698

    Not if you give it to me to eat

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