This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. firewalker02


  2. grandmaster559

    Ugh I wanna show my fat ass

  3. pioneer89820

    I hear wedding bells

  4. corose30

    42″ hips?? That’s real nice!

  5. firewalker02


  6. Jazzlike-Share4113

    It would be an honor having the opportunity to be able to date you

  7. Environmental-Wrap61

    I would marry you! You ass is phenomenal! 😘❤️😘

  8. Icy-Construction-857

    Wow! Where are you located at?

  9. corose30

    Yeah, around the hips is the same area measuring around your booty. Very nice, either way

  10. Kingswzy1

    Now that is a perfect booty 😘

  11. AdEmotional3955


  12. Winter-Ad-6723

    Absolutely….give me the opportunity and I’ll put a ring on you

  13. Objective_Dig_7105

    Quicker than you can blink your eye lid!!

  14. UsernameUnknown1987

    In a booty bounce I would. Would you date a girl like me?

  15. Powerful-Mine-8698

    I PREFER to date girls like you!

  16. Boring-Helicopter899


  17. Khakimana

    That ass is everything I need of course I would date you.

  18. coolmf23

    I’d spread dem cheeks and eat dat butt… some good 👅 fucking

  19. maddiclarkk

    Definitely 😍

  20. SnooDingos2223

    A girl like you can sit on my face anytime she wants.

  21. coolingdown4

    One hell of an ASSet babe.

  22. Jealous-Fudge-6892


  23. Krg26944

    Damn. Such scroll stopping thiccc gorgeousness. Truly a beautiful sexy curvy queen. How can I audition my face to be your favor excercise chair?

  24. ZarosGuardian

    Happily ☺️

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