This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. [deleted]

    Is both an option??

  2. Certain-Choice0730

    Im gonna fill you time and time again

  3. Sufficient-Fun-5621

    Want to eat you then fill you and glaze you

  4. Stonecoldsaidso87

    Just came so hard. Wanna smell your asshole while you queef in my mouth

  5. Justhereforfuntoo

    Pumped full of cream

  6. Accomplished_Pen9623

    Filled, always filled

  7. BrewCity73

    Filling both holes

  8. joeprovolone

    I got some cannoli cream, for your cannoli .

  9. AJ_8her

    Assorted. I’ll be enjoying myself with you, so there’ll be a little bit of both 😋

  10. omegameister86

    Let me do both baby! 😝🤤🍆💦💦

  11. dave8bud8


  12. Which_Ad_3971

    Would love to provide the filling

  13. Kooky_Row5838

    Filled, my favorite

  14. Yeayoh9669

    Both 😁

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