This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Kinkyscorpiofreak

    I wish you would be , I’d love to get a taste of some chocolate

  2. [deleted]


  3. Adrexion

    You wouldn’t be my first, but I’m interested in that bounce of yours

  4. Pbyrne48

    I would give anything to fuck your tight black pussy with my big white cock 😍

  5. ThisAccountLikesYou

    Please be my first black sex goddess

  6. EdmondCrumples

    I wish you could be my first black girl. That pussy is nice!

  7. Th3Ub3rDork

    I wish!

  8. OrderVirtual8828

    You wouldn’t be my first. But you could definitely be my next!

  9. Unlucky_Club_4239

    Yes you can! I’m ready for something different

  10. Montecatini

    Would you be my first ever?

  11. MaceMaster03

    Yes plz, but be ready cause imma show that pussy no mercy and make sure your legs are shaking by the end

  12. ThongInspector

    And now he will never go back

  13. USATRAIN17761776

    I would want you to ride me until I’m shaking 🤤

  14. Existing_Lecture7956


  15. Objective-Wish7093

    Pretty Carmel ass

  16. Curious_Mood3895


  17. Suspicious_Slice_728


  18. CantyoutellImbored

    I REALLY wish I could have you be my first. I would take the most of that opportunity if given

  19. ecchimocha

    hir me up girl I need some sweet chocolate in my life

  20. anotherclown

    How do I join in the fun

  21. War_Bastard1991

    My wife was my first black girl. Black women just hit different. Would like to see more black women represented on Reddit. Love seeing more and more bwwm couples.

  22. lancelotlink007

    You’d be my second!

  23. Zealousideal_Text_41

    Yes yes yes

  24. S44Jones

    Please be

  25. fetishsub89

    Tie me up and keep me to be used for days


    This has motivated me to respond back to the girl who DMed me on fb

  27. Waste_Strawberry6766

    I would blow so fast

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