I haven’t tried anal, but I think I would like to learn. [F] Amateur Ass

I haven’t experimented with anal, but I assume I would like to master. [F]

Newbie Asses I haven’t attempted anal, but I believe I would like to understand. [F] christinagoldielocks
Round large novice asses on ladies have progressed and are receiving larger

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Zebra0925

    I would enjoy teaching you and it looks like you would be a good student!!!

  2. 2012mustang2018

    Me neither let’s learn together sweetie. 😘😘

  3. cabinet221

    let me eat that nice ass first and we can go from there…would be fun for sure

  4. daileysc

    I’ll teach you baby ❤️

  5. ceeul8r

    It would be heaven to have anal with such a beautiful woman who has such a gorgeous ass!

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