I have a VERRRYYYY important question. where would u choose to cum? on my face or in my ass? (19F) Bubble Butts

I have a VERRRYYYY crucial query. where by would u pick to cum? on my experience or in my ass? (19F)

Bubble Butts I have a VERRRYYYY essential dilemma. exactly where would u select to cum? on my facial area or in my ass? (19F) oh-im-just-a-girl
Bubble Butts are the finest when they sit on your facial area

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. pm-small-asian-boobs

    Both. Doesn’t have to stop at once!

  2. DolgonQueen

    All over. Atleast one for each

  3. Cyborg58674

    I’d fuck up and forget to pull out

  4. Sufficient_Ratio7874

    On your face 🤤🤤💪🤤💦🤤💦💦🤤😀🤤 definitely and lick those ass 🤤💪💪🤤💪🤤💪🤤💪🤤

  5. gandalftheorange11

    I’ll just keep cumming on my hand, but thanks for asking.

  6. limoguy1

    If you are really into butt play, then I would likely cum in your cute little ass. I’m not a fan of cumming on women’s faces.

  7. MutedLayer4564


  8. Eliaschi

    I’ll have enough to spin you around for both

  9. DjWesWalkerATL


  10. sporty1975

    On your face, while your tongue flicks over my sensitive frenulum. 👅

  11. BoneShaker42

    That’s tough, but I’ve never delivered a facial before, and your face is just so darn cute – would love to see you smiling as I cover it!


    Lmfao im just here for the shiba INU foto ROFL. Who tricked you into posting ass on the internet lol

  13. RoosterCruiser79

    Positive inside you.

  14. GmbMr21st

    In ur azz

  15. Fuck-King-4423

    Both are unbelievable gorgeous but inside your ass love then you can taste me afterwards love gorgeous smile but have to say your bootie is bad ass perfect 😍

  16. dwarvensig

    Are those the only two options?

  17. KevinKasperCole


  18. KB475

    In that fine ass of yours of course 😋

  19. Xcarnal

    In your ass

  20. GaryFabuloso

    Why do we have to choose? Let’s do both!

  21. Swindledore

    In your ass

  22. garthasaurusrex

    Happily ejac in your ass

  23. Boobs4Ever8

    In your ass!!!!!!! 😈😈😈

  24. Gecka58

    How about in your pussy 😈🥰😘

  25. jimbob315

    Spread those cheeks!

  26. dlsteid

    Where ever you want it!

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