This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. hubbawulf1

    All 3 that I got lol

  2. Skyguy7185

    2 take it or leave it

  3. ExaminationNo8029

    Just the tip

  4. LGpeachlover

    Both of them

  5. Texas0utlaw210

    I’m not laughing because there are lots of small dick comments. I’m laughing because I, too, came to comment, “Both of em.”

  6. BestElement


  7. cowboy_44

    Every inch wow yummy amazing ass and oh so sweet delicious pussy

  8. loprom67


  9. ElfmanLV

    I got tree fiddy

  10. NotoriousNRO

    All of them

  11. PreparationTall2849

    Enough to make you cream and smile

  12. Pure_Quiet8901

    all one and a half of it

  13. mastergodai

    5 inches

  14. RhyzomaticKing

    All four 😉

  15. Peccow206

    4, but gonna make you take it 3 times🤷‍♂️

  16. Other_Galaxy

    2.8 inches

  17. small_pen

    3.75″. Unless you mean the amount that can reach past those cheeks, in which case… maybe a half?

  18. Vanitysex

    Wowwww ❤️🙌

  19. Seiterno

    Ok but can we appreciate how good that pussy looks,like aesthetically?

  20. OCboyToy

    5 and that’s if I get hard enough

  21. twistnshout242


  22. CEO_of_Science

    2.57 😈😈

  23. dymodude2

    Not many

  24. freeshavocadew

    Like a cheesewheel, I might not reach the end but I’ll stretch it out lol

  25. Next_Atmosphere_6618

    At least half a foot

  26. hornyandrrady

    All 11.5

  27. tonio227

    all 3 bbg 😩

  28. vladdrumsinchi

    Best I can do is 4 and a half.

  29. Dahianaonly


  30. caden5656


  31. SaiyanOverlord8971

    Well can I get my tongue lost in that lovely ass first? 🤤👅🍑👏🏾

  32. dopeArt2020

    A beautiful view

  33. Snooobjection3453

    All of them

  34. CederMains

    7 deep….over and over again.

  35. horny_furry45

    3. Take it or leave it

  36. caiomgenovezi

    16 😈

  37. big-pp-boiii

    i like how when ppl are above average they get disliked to shit

  38. thepmanfrommars

    all of it lol

  39. otti_valdyr_tepes

    All 7 and a half. And you’re gonna like it damnit!!

  40. Liquidspine69

    Well I will tell you this… My dicks not long but…it’s real skinny!

  41. Incognegro2540

    Cum find out

  42. PuzzleheadedYou7336

    That’s a fat one !!!

  43. Piachu01

    Hope 9inches will do good for that great pussy but we can figure something out if you want more babe😈

  44. Think_Elderberry3391

    About 4 or 5 inches max

  45. camillajaymeson

    Wow! Your ass and pussy looks delicious babe!! 👅🤤🤤

  46. Bullforyourmommy

    My 8 inches are all yours baby💋

  47. MoogleSenpai

    All fat 8’5 inches that i got baby 🍆😈😏

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