How long can you hold your breath? 😋 Big Asses

How lengthy can you hold your breath? 😋

Large Asses How extended can you hold your breath? 😋 Bonn1eTheBunny
Huge asses are the ideal when they sit on your experience

This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. Gmlegend

    Very long time

  2. Wise_Experience_9192

    Long time you want

  3. liegesmash

    Mmmm let’s see

  4. Daniel4356

    With you, I’m not sure but I’m up for the challenge

  5. Rapo72

    I’d probably die because i wouldn’t ask you to get off. You’d have to keep an eye on me or give me a straw to breathe. 😁😁

  6. LB1199

    WHO cares;) suffocate me🤩

  7. leo2352

    We can try and let see 👅🔥🤤

  8. Hercent

    For the least amount as possible cuz I would want to breathe it all in 👃🏼😮‍💨🤤

  9. HB_69

    I’ll keep practicing to get better

  10. Ready_Stress2698

    I’m gonna breath through your pussy, while licking all those pussy juices.

  11. SolidPerformance7523

    About three minutes. That’s under water with a weighted vest.

  12. submissiverican

    I don’t need to breath sit on my face for as long as u want goddess

  13. iantojone

    Lovely ass gape sweet cheeks

  14. Madison635

    I’d rather pass out then give up 🌹

  15. DirtyMindedMofo

    The whole time😜

  16. Soggy-Square-69420

    Depends how long it takes for you to decide you want my dick, not my tongue inside you.

  17. Shot_Level1302

    Maybe 2 minutes but How long can you withstand my tongue blows?

  18. Big_Mike07

    Not sure exactly but I’m sure I can learn to hold it longer 😏

  19. 6footbhoy

    dm me baby and find out

  20. cupcakesloth94

    Till I die

  21. Notickups

    You’d be surprised

  22. teeej27


  23. SnooDingos2223

    Let’s give it a try.

  24. Euphoricwrangler6969

    I’ll need CPR from your mouth on my cock. I cannot think of a reason why you should get up until you are satisfied

  25. YC152

    A long time

  26. Geezzzzz

    For you, as long as you’d like

  27. AssFucker40

    🤔 Let’s find out 😜

  28. [deleted]


  29. Secret_LillyBoi

    I guess we’re gonna find out! 👅🍑

  30. ismoothcriminal

    Not sure, let’s find out together 🤗

  31. KujoQuan

    As long as you want me to. My bunny IS the very air I breathe. Just keep your cheeks on mine~

  32. Ill_Cellist_6802


  33. steventroiano44

    Let’s find out.

  34. Tomkite78

    Long enough to make you cum

  35. moneyskret

    As long as you need me to

  36. Hockeyguru24

    I can go a long time

  37. 10inSinBegin

    As long as it takes

  38. lasagnatane

    As long as you sit for

  39. jaytheblues

    Until I die suffocating

  40. Ciroc82

    As long as it takes you 👅👅👅😈😈😈😈

  41. W3SL3YC

    I wanna sniff your socks so hard 😳🤤

  42. ZarosGuardian

    Let’s find out Bonnie bae, smother me with that fantastic booty 🍑🥵❤️

  43. Infamous_Rope_358

    I’m not sure so can we find out together Beautiful 💞💦💦😋

  44. goontrader69

    Don’t worry about my breathing, just cover my whole face with it!

  45. not_enough_butthole

    In that butt? Forever.

  46. VeryWildman


  47. Initial-Struggle

    Till you cum

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