This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Clap8789

    Went shopping

  2. Miamidevil

    Regretted eating Taco Bell

  3. ilovebbw99

    Played chess!

  4. Flat-Translator-7057

    Swapped positions

  5. Couple-Feisty

    Mario Kart and discussed fiscal responsibility

  6. Ilovethemthick

    Went to Greggs for a vegan sausage roll

  7. Wow417

    Does it involve radishes?

  8. AdSpasti

    Made me a Sandwich

  9. Xavierxxx5

    Skittles party taste the rainbow


    That’s a WHOLE LOTTA ASS

  11. expiredbagofchips

    Right foot green?

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