This Post Has 50 Comments

  1. Sea-Emergency294

    Perfect wubbly ass will def. Stick my tongue in 👅🥵

  2. Commercial-Pride-320


  3. Bootiluvr


  4. DoorExpress

    It’s nice! 7/10

  5. Away-Ad-6574

    Wiggles nicely 10

  6. necio1984

    Love the wiggle I can only imagine how it wiggles when your in doggy . 8/10

  7. christmas54321

    Two flapjacks

  8. Lildanny82

    Perfect 😍

  9. neverfans

    Great tbh

  10. ComedianSame4735

    She kind of small but you got big cheeks you have the potential for a nice big juicy butt. you got to do some RDLs

  11. lovesexnporn10

    need a closer look

  12. matthewsupreme

    Some nostalgic 90s butt!

  13. madisontasty

    I’d hit

  14. slyder49er

    I’d say 5.5. But I’d definitely still love for you to sit on my face.

  15. DaPewPewLife

    This girl has no cakes. She’s got pancakes.

  16. DaBronxbaby


  17. theothegr33k

    Long… 5.5/10

  18. sevensmurf

    When you bend over, it looks amazing. Standing… It’s ok. Needs more muscle to lift it, so it has great potential, which is why bending over makes it looks so good

  19. Altair6969

    Beautifull natural wiggle for me it’s perfect I could live with it for life 10/10 a queens booty

  20. SherbertFormer1

    12 out of 5

  21. truale3


  22. OhMy_GawdFuxkOff_

    Kinda flat, but you’ve got the big booty spirit. 😂

  23. Individual-Falcon769


  24. Maleficent-Throat-57


  25. Plus-Perspective6152


  26. AdditionalGain4658


  27. szotyi_666


  28. penilick69

    I mean it’s alright, ya feel me 😂

  29. Departmentnice

    Everyone hating on it but man I think this is perfect and I need it on my now

  30. Revolutionary_Mud_51


  31. MandiRoe

    5… needs some squats then it would be thick like mine.

  32. FlyingPenisMknster

    Like probably a strong 6. Maybe 7

  33. fishnchipsncoke

    Look, it’s not the best but I LOVE IT! You have a beautiful body.

  34. Hot_Contribution_885


  35. bdpyo

    flat as mine

  36. Scat_slave

    50 out of 10

  37. AdEarly7827

    2 smol, no muscle. But acceptable bc not overweight. Like 6/10 I guess.

  38. Exact_Estimate3757

    That’s a 80,s butt give you a 5 to 6

  39. Beasturvivor

    You’re high up there ☺️😁

  40. blacksurf_

    fuck ratings id fuck your ass thats all that matters lol

  41. Prize_Hamster3244

    Just pure beauty

  42. rlreich

    Definitely a 9. 🔥🤪

  43. kanoodlezsflcouple

    Love it 😍

  44. Aggressive-Pop2359

    It’s about a 5

  45. bigtaurus30

    So beautiful 9/10🍑🔥

  46. AZJay11

    3/10 pretty flat looks like a wet duffel bag

  47. Single_Vacation_867


  48. miyamoto_dono

    Issa 3.5

  49. Aggravating-Block-83


  50. Sea-Possible-8977


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