Do you prefer [f]irm or jiggly? Amateur Ass

Do you favor [f]irm or jiggly?

Amateur Asses Do you desire [f]irm or jiggly? Littlekaitt
Beginner Ass are the most effective when they sit on your deal with

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. arm81forthewin

    Your 🍑 looks nice and firm with this perfect amount of jiggle…it’s really the best of both worlds!

  2. TheSaltyDog33

    …dunno how to classify it but, my preference is exactly what you have going on!

  3. Samuel_L_Gawthorpe

    Why worry about choosing? You’ve perfectly demonstrated here that you have the ability to be both. (But if I had to choose, jiggly takes the cake for me. It’s nice to have something you can really grab a hold, especially when ploughing a piece of cake that looks this tasty).

  4. PenguinsFan19

    I like yours because it is the best of both worlds.

  5. External-Analyst2025

    Both you have a beautiful ass.

  6. Hrny_Bstrd


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