This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. hewhoisdefinitive

    Good grief that ass is amazing but honestly you have the face of a goddess

  2. moonpimp


  3. carscantescape

    I’m an ass man, but your face is fucking beautiful so I’m going to go with that.

  4. Meechowx17

    Damn thats a hard question to answer but I’m an ass man. Ass always wins.

  5. kindthorn


  6. nucleardad5567

    Your face is lovely but I’m going to tongue fuck your ass 👅

  7. No_Cycle3170

  8. Magicstick3901

    Feed me the booty 😍😍😍😈

  9. CiciTheGato

    Fat ass

  10. wompking1721

    The toughest decision I’ve made this year

  11. mathers123

    If that choice has to be binary, I’m going to have to flip a coin to decide. You’re gorgeous.

  12. throwaway89898988999

    I’d love you to sit on my face while those pretty lips wrap around me

  13. Salt_Pirate361

    Daddy like

  14. jay-are79

    They go well together

  15. BadBear9

    I lile em both equally?

  16. randoacount

    You are extremely beautiful! I don’t think that I could choose between the 2.

  17. Recent-Night2000

    That is not a fair question

  18. Mechanik_J

    Probably the face, phat ass is a plus.

  19. 75RsucraM

    Your face to kiss and your butt to spank

  20. Anonymity8910’re gorgeous

  21. Positive_Resort_7814


  22. CryptographerOld4189

    I like both. Does this bad girl need a spanking

  23. ConstantInspection45

    Holy moly perfect assss

  24. bwlomlq

    Equally good

  25. FuqBigGov


  26. Brian_Barry94

    Yes 😍

  27. ThatRobbieGuy1


  28. nevilsatas

    It’s really hard. So is choosing 😏You have a very pretty face and an ass one encounters quite rarely, and the combination🥵😍😍

  29. Human_Experience_309

    You face is beautiful but I am an ASS FEEN.

  30. minesafado

    It is impossible to decide… 😍

  31. NowICanUpvoteAsses


  32. b4dwolf247


  33. oblivion68

    Both are amazing but i love your face more, could stare at you all day ❤

  34. Several-Put8039

    Fat ass…definately.. want to see your ass hole

  35. Blee2809


  36. bacskjeAD

    How can you even choose between them

  37. MarLuDaKang


  38. JigglePAWG

    Holy crap that butt is fat as hell 🥵

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