Do small butts like mine make men get erections? [F] Amateur Ass

Do smaller butts like mine make males get erections? [F]

Beginner Asses Do modest butts like mine make adult men get erections? [F] Alexasweetie
Thick beginner asses are not only the finest but really feel excellent when tapping from at the rear of

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Dwiddie05

    Your ass is perfect. Love it and I would always be hard if I have that view 😍😍😍

  2. A_Guy_Of_Value

    If you think you have a small butt then I have a neuroscience degree

  3. Due-Significance-900

    That beautiful ass hole does it for me,want to lick it

  4. fadedforkknife

    I mean it gave me one so id say yes

  5. Wonderful_Method5562

    Stiff cock right here 👀👀👀🍆🍆🍆

  6. Nec_345

    What rhetorical question, of course u get any straight man hard asf

  7. RTLG4u

    Just straight ones

  8. Ale_Drinker_666

    I must have had an erection because I ejaculated to this pic of your ass.

  9. dolrbill


  10. 67Camaro_

    Hell yeah

  11. Logical-Dream-5627

    Hell yeah!!

  12. AdLess836


  13. dr_dre_22

    with sexy little assholes like that of course 😉👅

  14. 1lrome

    I am as hard a rock, baby!! Your ass looks perfect, and your asshole looks so very delicious!!

  15. Positive_Finish6746

    Liar…this is not an small butt, looks so edible but not small.

  16. ChristianA021

    Perfect body 👅🍆💦

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