This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. MeAmoEsCarlosHungus


  2. Sufficient_Option317


  3. Goonie_1003

    You can have my bank account info! 😍❤️

  4. Snoo57190


  5. Distinct-Sandwich984

    Yum yep

  6. Radkingeli995

    Women with bubble butts absolutely matter

  7. iwtcp

    That little statue of a doggy yogi!

  8. Us3rn_m3

    That is something I could get behind

  9. HandsomeRob69

    They do if your actually down to use it to fuck lol

  10. Upset-Independent847

    Yes, I agree 🥒💦

  11. No_Painting886

    Not only do they matter, they are the only good thing I see left in the world lmao.

  12. somedude116

    I agree 💯

  13. chevroletcrewcab

    Agreed 100 percent

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