bigger cushion means better pushin’ .. amirite (oc) Big Asses

greater cushion signifies superior pushin’ .. amirite (oc)

Major Asses greater cushion usually means improved pushin’ .. amirite (oc) HawtAssMilf
Significant asses are the finest when they sit on your confront

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. AutoModerator

    **Remember OP is a real person who has taken a risk by posting photos of herself to the internet. Please keep your comments respectful.** If in doubt, ask yourself “how would I feel if someone posted this comment about me?” Rude comments may result in a ban.

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  2. CleanJournalist9638

    Best ass ever😁

  3. silanonymusk

    Wish I could see the recoil👀😳

  4. Typical-Client-3015

    I have no words this time. That ass has me speechless for once

  5. Slouma-Gamer

    Let me smash that ass 👀💦

  6. Lovgbug

    Wow the fun we would have

  7. drodriguez179

    I love to eat cherries those panties look amazing on you

  8. cupshka

    That is. . . that is just. . . I can’t even. . .

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