This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. HusbandUpLate

    You know, some of us are both.

  2. isittheweekendyet2

    Variety is the spice of life

  3. Leftyperk

    Always both

  4. AlternativeArm8476

    A licker intil you legs are shaking and then I fuck. You holes

  5. Awkward_Guarantee234

    Lick, suck and fuck baby 👅😋🤤🍩🍆

  6. One-Restaurant-691


  7. Far-Quit6428


  8. Far-Quit6428

    Like your asshole eaten to

  9. rafe-t

    Da both

  10. soulphreakk

    Lick and fuck lick lick and fuck

  11. SIRofPleasure

    I’m a 3holes fucker and lick your clit and pussy.

  12. benzilla06


  13. Ok-Sympathy884

    I’m both I’m licking then I’m fucking 👅😻💦🍆😻💦♥️♥️♥️

  14. Littlemember90

    Im both 😘

  15. Perfect-Touch2859

    Licker first, then fucker

  16. OrdinaryBit3003

    If I lick I can fuck better

  17. peachloverx

    One thing not prevents the other😅

  18. Animal_kingdom_45

    I must licky in order to sticky 😍😍😍

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