This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Accomplished_Life857

    Can I eat after other guys have fucked you 🤤🥵

  2. Bright-Lychee1413


  3. Financial-Dark-4905

    Both 😁

  4. anythinggoes469


  5. Goindownhill9399


  6. naughty_andys

    Both 😏

  7. Obvious_Extent5872

    Outta curiosity how many cm tall u are 😍?

  8. Radkingeli995

    I can be both

  9. jimbotogoo


  10. Initial-Bid7285

    I’m the eater then the fucker. I gladly provide both services

  11. Athrowawayduck

    Both, guilty as charged

  12. Top_Blood9144


  13. Chance_Moose_3336

    Both they both need to be satisfied with me

  14. Orik121

    Fucking both, but, I will say, I want to eat it every fucking chance I get. Multiple times a day. I want to eat it first thing when I wake up and I want to fall asleep with it in my face. I want to eat it even when I have no cum left. That said, while I’m both, I’m a die hard eater

  15. RazorbackBuckeye


  16. Outrageous-Whole8295


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