This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Throwawayjjj03

    Your face awaits 👅

  2. Lilycutie

    oh my 😳!!! that’s the ass of a goddess !! please marry me 🙏🙏😅😅

  3. submissiverican

    Sit on mine please and don’t get up til I pass out😅😩

  4. Likeitall666

    Pick me pick me!

  5. everyonetakeabreath

    Just snap your fingers and point, I’ll happily provide a face for you to sit on 🤤🤤🤤

  6. LoneHere

    Look again, I’m right here, drooling 🤤🤤👅👅 and dreaming with you 😍😍🍆💦

  7. Glittering-Classic60

    As long as I got a face you got a place to sit ( my face) an pole (bbc)

  8. jarred527

    I got one you can sit on

  9. Adalrik

    Is there a plug hiding in there or am i imagining things?

  10. Soggy-Square-69420

    You’ve gotta be the best ass on the internet.

  11. Kushgaw


  12. bigben5000

    just…. wow

  13. pornymcpornypants

    Sweet sweet asphyxiation

  14. Local_Helicopter5422

    Pick me, pick me, pick me

  15. Madison635

    I want that ass so bad🌹

  16. thamack

    My face is your permanent seat

  17. RuskiyPanda

    How do you like it?
    Freshly shaved or hairy?
    I’ll prep your royal throne tonight for you, my goddess 👅

  18. Timmyseg

    Can I volunteer

  19. Traditional-Pair5783

    I volunteer 🥵✨️💕👡👠

  20. JazzlikeCatch7721

    Gaaadamn !!!!😮😮😮😮🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿😈😈😛

  21. JazzlikeCatch7721

    Have mercy on us girl lol

  22. SnooDingos2223

    Exactly! Here is mine.

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