This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. TossingSaladAway

    Sounds like the perfect excuse to take them off for the day, I see this as an absolute win 😏

  2. Dry-Sheepherder4608

    You had one job!!!!


  3. ohyeah102

    Sounds like i need to take them off that beautiful booty

  4. Leftyperk

    You should take them off right away. Lol

  5. Sweaty-Pick8147

    I’ve got a tongue you can ride

  6. dfly0110

    I do the same thing after a couple days of wearing them… gets you another couple days.

  7. RioRem

    New mission to take em off, get distracted, and put new ones on cause the previous ones got messy 😉

  8. brumpo8

    Looks great regardless! Task Failed Successfully

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