This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. jimi_hendick

    Right but left is getting my fingers 😈

  2. itme_13

    The right 🥵 but don’t worry, both of you would get plenty of care

  3. stinger297

    Left more ass nice and thicc and nice long hair to pull

  4. Lewy697

    Righty looks tighty mmmmm 😆

  5. redheadalex86

    I would start with the left 1 as i eat the right one or switch it up

  6. Traditional-Risk8021


  7. taradinporkasal

    Loira gostosa do cuzão gostoso

  8. bhittman91

    Right without a doubt!

  9. all_tapped_out

    Right for sure!

  10. kungfu187415


  11. Eva__Adam

    These beautiful crumbs, super asses!

  12. gianluca152


  13. Jumpman_John

    Left is getting first 2 creampies

  14. Skobiak


  15. CumSprayer17

    Depends, which ass is going to sit on my face first

  16. Odd_Answer3948

    Thought choice……. right first

  17. grissom_daniel


  18. ReXRocks124


  19. bobbombom

    Right and left. Many times.

  20. Elimizzack

    Right then left then left then right

  21. LefT-NYC

    On the right. But that just means I’m finishing in the left! 🤪

  22. Easy-Entrepreneur728

    left because i like the pussy

  23. Specialist-Bat5152


  24. Upset-Championship-5


  25. Senior-Count-6186

    Right to begin with while playing with the left!

  26. dirtydirtmcgirt513

    Left right left right left right

  27. average-Joes-gym

    Left – luv a phat ass !

  28. zewwez

    Left, for sure!

  29. iamwhatiamand


  30. robobird95

    Left without a doubt, but the right will have a finger or two in while I’m at it.

  31. 264MJ


  32. jsoco430


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