This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. garfdontheelite

    That’s a few meals worth right there

  2. Drainmyballsinyou

    Hey babe, I’ve been eating ass for years.

    It’s a privilege to eat someone’s ass. Especially from the back. They’re bent over, ass is right there like a platter!

    I love eating ass and I eat ass proudly!

    Bring your ass over here girl, let me get a taste of you.

  3. Aggressive-Second705

    Enough cake to open a bakery tbh 🤤

  4. Throwawayjjj03

    Savoring every bite

  5. AngelBeats67

    Absolutely 😍 such an amazing ass

  6. No-Actuator9671

    I will gladly eat yours all day 🤤🤤🤤👅😈

  7. Important_Chain77

    Monster Legendary Ass! 👏🏻😍

  8. BootyButtandAss

    I would die a happy man if You, u/cutefruit18 and u/cutegeekie one day do a collab

    My top 3 in No particular order

  9. Acrobatic_Evening_54

    Wow! That is a great ass! 😍

  10. anotheraccount7891

    With a fork or spoon and a cute lil bib.

  11. DarthMarvel1972

    Yeah I do and I am starving.

  12. Shark750

    Yes I do!

  13. Lucky_Ad4695

    Always 🍆👅🍑

  14. Musclemonstersize

    You’d never walk again

  15. always_the_sea

    Would eat yours like dessert 🍨

  16. FuckStepsister

    I love it, will you sit on a pole that is 21cm long

  17. UniqueAlbatrossElf

    Your body is absolutely bonkers.

  18. AdUpbeat7464

    yes i do

  19. se7en8off

    Ass goals for all you ladies out there holy shit

  20. Artistic-Doctor-9679

    I’d wear a bib and eat your asshole like a starving man at a buffet

  21. MacDawg84

    Yes I do 😋

  22. SnooDingos2223

    I love analingus. You ready?

  23. Paco_jerte1776


  24. MrTubalcain

    Yes and do I have a deluxe special for you😍

  25. loveeatingbigbooty

    Yes I’m the greatest

  26. phlburb87

    I do now

  27. hollyloly

    So hot

  28. 007mystic

    Your looks delicious

  29. McnuggetCentral

    Yeah, and I throughly enjoy it

  30. Peccow206

    I do eat ass and I enjoy it immensely.

  31. dummiethiccsnake

    Do you serve it?

  32. RockGeez

    I would love to eat yours

  33. Revolutionary_Art273

    Damn right I do

  34. theshortestguyouknow

    for you? Yes 😘

  35. Easy_Newt_9516

    No but I will

  36. babby111

    Man oh man 🍆

  37. JoeDude1901

    I do, and I’d love to eat yours.

  38. Icy_Team5525


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