This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. Altruistic-Series880

    Does not matter, only if you sit on my face

  2. swink36

    Shape is way more important. Keep hitting those squats in the gym 💪👍

  3. vladtheimpaler6969


  4. bcoopie7

    Size!!! Gets dark after all that tequila

  5. OddFollowing3202

    Shape and size matter, as long as it’s this shape and size

  6. One-Ad-7486


  7. LaughableTry099

    You have both…SPECTACULAR!!!🔥🔥🔥

  8. skywlkr1981


  9. One-Ad-7486

    What a beautiful ass 😘💋❤️

  10. ADeepRead

    The whole aesthetic!

  11. Bryxton

    Softness > than ever thing

  12. CuddlyJoe

    You’re good

  13. maddawg9413

    Shape. Definitely shape. But you have shape and size.

  14. Spiritual-Sins

    I saw two eyes. Ass smile lips. Forehead. And nose

  15. entistari

    That’s the perfect combination of both

  16. No_orange_212

    Nice, it an ass, looking good.

  17. Beautiful_Oven2152

    There’s also a bite-ability factor to take into consideration, yours ranks high in that one.

  18. Maleficent-Ad-760


  19. WYKWTS

    Holy fuck. Would love to see some POV in a prone position or POV doggy with your legs closed fucken stat

  20. SuperRaccoon17

    Such a cute, sexy butt! 🔥🌹💪🏻🍑😁

  21. Responsible-Dress227

    You perfect.

  22. Funchat200


  23. DrSporty1234

    I‘d go with shape

  24. Background-Ad2787


  25. carwasher010


  26. 88codyallen


  27. AG-F00

    I think if you have shape, you have size.

  28. jiajhoans

    Honestly shocked no one has mentioned what a killer back you have 💪🏼

  29. corvettemike1983

    Shape and proportional

  30. PM-me-rear-pussy


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