This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. HotConstruction262

    Thats an amazing body! Looks like you put a lot of work to get that juicy booty. Do you play a sport at all?

  2. amorousbellylint

    Looking fantastic

  3. obsedianfury

    It’s definitely a great proportional

  4. Smart_Cheesecake9376

    JEEPERS yes you are

  5. BeautifulDick4


  6. rsopuney

    Practically perfect in every way

  7. 4LSB337

    You are

  8. bubblebuttguy4u

    🤔The left hand pinky seems to look out of proportion… But it could be the camera angle.

  9. Stp1976

    Beyond Pretty , you’re absolutely Remarkable 😳😍

  10. JFiskie

    I think you’re perfect as always

  11. NoIssueTaken

    That’s fire

  12. Mr_MatF


  13. studlygoodfun

    Outstanding 🥵

  14. Medium-Day-5294

    Damn! You are pretty fuckin spectacular

  15. lovecarz420

    Very sexy😈😈

  16. insatiable-daddy

    You’ve clearly been working on it 🥵

  17. AdministrationNew634

    You’re definitely right 💯

  18. Distinct_Alps9781

    Couldn’t be more perfect!!!

  19. babybaulder

    I’d lick yur ass all day

  20. Thirstythrowaway101


  21. Bigeazy6981

    That’s a fantastic ass!, and your body is perfect!!

  22. tapthatassjay

    Geezus. It just…stick out like that?

  23. SorryMeaning6333

    Ur perfect!!! 🥰

  24. Mean-Package9969

    Absolutely amazing body

  25. Mountain_Flan6147

    You look perfect

  26. AProcessUnderstood


  27. 5150travitrav

    Very well proportioned🥰

  28. stankface412

    All I see is bootymeat 🥹

  29. Sea_Consequence_7699

    Gorgeous body wow!!

  30. Low-Ad1365


  31. wrightwendell-47

    Yes you are

  32. silverbullet830

    Excellent proportions 👌

  33. jhurley28

    Perfect. Literally perfect

  34. VeterinarianGold1108

    You are hottt

  35. No_Task_5936

    You are

  36. DawsonCarr1

    Pretty much perfect, booty could be a little bigger

  37. kasmoney

    Llllllllaaaaaawwwwwdddd you perfect

  38. MetalHeadBigTitLover

    Your proportions are Perfect!!!

  39. JazzlikeCatch7721


  40. CJ62320

    Your proportions are very pretty.

  41. P12345678910

    Stunning stunning woman

  42. SkunkWorksInnovator

    Finally a bubble butt that belongs in the bubble butt subreddit!!! THIS CHICK HAS A BUBBLE BUTT!!!

  43. Ok-Somewhere-467

    Perfect proportions!

  44. Bigtiggar1

    Yes u r

  45. UniqueWay1509

    Quite exquisite!!

  46. Irish1312

    If I had an ass like that I would never wear pants

  47. [deleted]


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