This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Dakid241677

    You wouldn’t have to ask I would eat it for every meal

  2. MTthebeautiful

    Roses are red, the sun creates heat. If your legs get tired, use my face as a seat

  3. captain-lex-8574

    I’ll eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner 😋

  4. throwaway691990

    Yes but you don’t even need to ask

  5. footsy02

    At every opportunity mistress and until you are completely satisfied👅👅👅👅

  6. quagmire69420666


  7. ClutchCityHOU13

    You don’t even have to ask. Just back it up and I’ll give you what you want. Lol.

  8. dumbass6668

    Yes we would without question

  9. Ok_Cause5459

    Mmmm Com’ere and sit that down on my face, please 👅🤤💦

  10. RioRem

    Too late 👅🍑

  11. Fair_Opportunity_968


  12. Even_Satisfaction_50

    Yes i would babe👅🤤🥵

  13. Professional-Pin1222

    Anywhere anytime

  14. Flowrellik

    Only if you say please ❤️‍🔥

  15. tiny1X4

    Definitely 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  16. Sparingbug

    One one condition, you smother my face with it every morning to wake me up

  17. SilverSaberXX65

    In less than heartbeat😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  18. daddyydick145

    Absolutely gorgeous and fair warning I don’t have a pull out game

  19. bdjerz

    You wouldn’t have to ask

  20. thefallmountianfarme

    With a silver spoon and without having to be asked 😰💋

  21. ProperPomegranate569


  22. Informal-Director-28

    Without hesitation!!!

  23. N1wf


  24. Strong_Ticket6591

    Not really not really. You can get e coli from eating ass. And that is dangerous. It can kill you. This is coming from an ex-ass eater

  25. Pantys_lover

    Hell yes! And you would not have to ask!

  26. gord5721

    Most definitely.

  27. Lone_Wolf1381

    Yes but tbh I would eat it even if you didn’t ask 😉😏

  28. Wilks1010

    Yes, for a few hours!! Xoxox

  29. juicy7inch

    All you have to do is ask

  30. hey_bucky_666

    For every meal and dessert

  31. CuckInMumbai

    You okay with sniffers? I need to sniff before eating the ass all night long

  32. Ok_Resolution667

    In a heartbeat

  33. ragaf46

    Motorboating baby motorboating

  34. ProofCryptographer23

    Hell yeah

  35. aamaljaw


  36. Wrong_Finish2139

    Super bouncy 🙂

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