This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Character-Ad5

    There’s a fee

  2. freddysimmons20

    You can sit somewhere else

  3. AlternativeSingle319

    Please do

  4. Lil-Pump-Jetski

    Wipe your ass with my face

  5. amellowman74

    Smothering my face with that ass sounds awesome.

  6. Dnasty225

    As long as you don’t mind kicking or kneeing me in between my legs on a regular basis you can always sit on my face 🥵😝😍☺️👅

  7. ResponsibilityNo8085

    Grab her thighs and hold you there

  8. Necessary_Mixture_92

    not at all! you got a really nice ass

  9. Specialist_Extent_71

    Not at all🔥👅👅

  10. 19throw_away94

    Wow wow wow 🔥

  11. Appropriate_Ad4553

    Such a nice butt. Perfect 🥰

  12. Jtw4766

    I would be offended if you didn’t! An ass like that deserves anything it wants!

  13. Flowrellik

    That would make my day a whole lot better 💕💕

  14. Theonlydude123

    You are blessed!

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