This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. paladin9190

    Fuck yes I’d have you keep your thong in pull it to the side and sit on my face 😈😈

  2. fltrxs114

    I’d love to bury my face between your cheeks and devour your amazing ass!😋😋

  3. Odd-Ad-555

    Don’t even have to ask, just take off your pants and thong and let me tongue get to work 😈🥵🥵😈😛😛😛😈🥵🥵😈

  4. TeeDub92

    No chance that I wouldn’t try without being asked… can’t think of nor do I know of any ass that I’d rather have seated on my face consistently..

  5. Infamous-Caregiver-1

    100 percent chance 😋👌

  6. backfired8989

    I’ll eat you whenever and wherever you want, my face will be your own personal seat 👅

  7. StatWinning415

    Eating and filling you up 2x in 1 going

  8. whitepp23

    First your ass then pussy🤤😍

  9. Ciroc82

    Of course on the first date and everyday after 👅👅👅👅👅😈😈😈

  10. Even_Worth_3020


  11. rayfoster13

    As long as u promise to when u squirt it’s all over my face and in my mouth 😈😈😈

  12. ASAP_Red

    Hell yeah let’s get to the date then. Whatever you want 🥵

  13. Responsible_Ad_3630

    I was about to do it anyway

  14. No_Need_4_pants

    for you, anything you want!

  15. OFF1C1AL

    100% chance

  16. Johndiesel01

    U pull it out, I’m eatin

  17. shberk01

    I’d eat that ass for 3 meals a day

  18. Similar-Ad-9337

    From the first meeting he eats you

  19. Striking_Biscotti_91

    There’s 100% chance

  20. themadtitan24

    I’d eat you on the first date and every time you get 📯 horny now that I know you’re a squirter baby girl 😉

  21. biscuitsarelies

    You’ll have an infinite queue of folk…

  22. YC152

    Any chance we fuck on the first date 😍

  23. Licdom

    absolutely yes

  24. stargazer4272

    You serve it up, I’ll eat it up. Lick it clean.

  25. Delicious_Frosting70

    As long as you don’t mind me eating that ass

  26. leo2352

    who can say no to that fantastic ass 🤤😈🔥

  27. tharald737

    Aww yes! Just drop your pants and sit on my face! I won’t leg you go!

  28. Legitimate-Drawing12

    Oh fuck yes 😍

  29. MutsoButso


  30. Ok_Zookeepergame5268

    Call me a munch…..GODSEED APPROVED

  31. Loud-Examination2385

    Ooooohhhhh yeah Babee Gurl absolutely 🍑😛👅👅👅👅👅💦💦💦💦🥰

  32. Ghostrider3325

    First second and third and on and on lass!

  33. Big_Mike07

    How could I possibly resist

  34. CoolestGuyChodger

    I always eat ass on the first date

  35. Dear_Flatworm_8178

    I don’t know that I would have much of a choice…with ass like that…

  36. West-Intern1581

    Fuck yes!! 100% yes!! 🤤😘🤤

  37. BagChaserx2

    Let’s go out than you’ll see

  38. michael04112

    Yes anytime you want

  39. ConsiderationThis827

    I am peeling off those pj’s and thong then eating every part of you down there until you’re leaking all over my face!

  40. Negative_Bend798

    i’d eat your pussy and ass whenever you wanted. also would love to see more videos in these pants i love the way your ass looks in (and out of) them

  41. Bajouzutsu


  42. NaviaSkies

    Before the date?

  43. Timmyseg

    Absolutely positively yes

  44. Madison635

    I’ll eat that ass on every date 🌹🌹🌹

  45. wisod3x6

    That’s just beautiful ❤️‍🔥
    Wouldn’t mind be munching that pussy and ass 💕

  46. gfreeman2020

    Hell ya I would so love to eat ur beautiful pussy

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