This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. ashsub19821


  2. SnooMarzipans5169

    Only if you knew I was wearing a vibrating cock ring

  3. Useful_Consequence20

    I would love to but I am afraid we Would not cum very far.

  4. LaikenBaileyOfficial

    Most definitely ❤️‍🔥

  5. Unlikely-Eggplant-26

    A perfect ass!

  6. redditt2040

    Makes me like you even more!

  7. Leftyperk

    Definitely. I’d pull it out after dinner. Give you something else

  8. Monty22337

    I would go out with you and hell i would be willing to marry you in time if it went well

  9. StudyLongjumping90

    Of course I would

  10. HrdDad

    Of course

  11. Krng24

    Would you go out with me knowing I’m gonna have an erection all the time thinking in your plug? 🔥

  12. justwhydidithappen

    I’d even add a lush so I could control it

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